Occasional Vlog
Welcome to my stream of consciousness. Have you ever wanted to hear my opinions? Well oh boy, hold onto your seats. Among this collection you will find things I find humorous, deep dives into my life experiences, introspections about things I notice and maybe the occasional vlog. I'm glad you're here. Vlogs tend to be short – rarely exceeding ten minutes. The final element that pulls viewers in is how relatable the content is – watching someone viewers may see as “famous” just living a normal life. This, ultimately, has a positive cognitive effect on vlog-watchers, Houlden says.
It's our first day at Walt Disney World, Magic Kingdom, and we start it off in a big way with breakfast at Cinderella's Royal Table, that means breakfast inside Cinderella's castle. In order to get there in time, we get early access to the Magic Kingdom before the gates open to the general public, and the opportunity to wander up a relatively deserted Main Street USA.
Once inside the castle itself the magic truly takes hold, with a meet and greet with Cinderella herself, before climbing the 40 steps to get to the dinning room itself.
The theming in the room is breath taking, and as with anything Disney the service is second to none.
Considering that this is a character dinning experience, you'd be forgiven for expecting an average breakfast, but the food was truly delicious.
And as with all character dinning, the characters gave each table their undivided attention. First there was Snow White who did a sterling job giving Albert and Dorothy a wonderful experience. Then we had Sleeping Beauty, followed by Ariel, and finally Jasmine.
We came away with some magical memories, and felt that the experience was worth every single penny that it cost.
We hope you enjoy the experience too.
For more videos check out the rest of our channel & subscribe!
Here’s our list of the top 10 cutest vlogger couples on youtube. Starting from 10, we go all the way to number 1. So let’s begin.
1. Chia Habte and Timothy Chantarangsu
The number 1 couple on our list – we believe this spot belongs to none other than Chia Habte and Timothy Chantarangsu!
Chia and Timothy (AKA Timothy Delagetho AKA Tim) are the cutest interracial couple on youtube. Timothy is a full time youtuber, actor and a rapper. He has over over 3 million subscribers on youtube! He also appeared on T.V., in the MTV show ‘Wild n Out’ where he won a lot of hearts.
Although, Chia is not too active on Youtube, she does regularly feature in Tim’s vlogs.
The best thing is that Tim decided to pop the question a few months back and no guesses here, Chia said ‘YES’!
Here’s the proposal video.

The couple got married in August 2018. Here’s a video of the marriage.

2. Felix Kjellberg (PewDiePie) & Marzia Bisognin
Numero duo on our list is Felix and Marzia.
Felix (AKA PewDiePie) is a Swedish Youtuber who runs the most subscribed channel on Youtube with over 66 million subscribers! (Yup, you read that right!).
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He has reigned supreme on youtube for almost 4 years straight and is going strong in spite of a whole bunch of controversies surrounding some of his content.
Marzia has her own youtube channel with over 7 million subscribers.
While in university in Sweden, Felix met an Italian girl named Marzia online and really started to like her. He saved money and went to visit her in Italy. Once they met they fell in love with each other. Marzia moved to Sweden and they lived in a small apartment together where Felix started making his YouTube videos. And the rest is history.

Felix proposed to Marzia somewhere in April 2018. Here’s a video of their marriage:
Felix has been on youtube for almost 7 years now. He gained popularity from his insanely hilarious commentary while playing minecraft games.
Check out their videos on PewDiePie and CutiePieMarzia.
3. Jonathan & Anna (Saccone-Joly)
Jonathan & Anna are a British vlogger couple who put out insanely beautiful vlogs that feature their four cute children and their six Maltese dogs. It wouldn’t be wrong to call them the British version of Shaytards!
They have been vlogging daily since 2010 and have over 1 million subscribers.
4. Jim Chapman and Tanya Burr
Jim and Tanya are a British youtube couple who have been on youtube since over 8 years now.
Jim has over 2 million subscribers and Tanya Burr is a youtube beauty guru and a vlogger who has over 3 million subscribers.
Tanya met Jim at a concert and fell head over heels in love with his simplicity and gentlemanly behavior. Jim proposed to Tanya in December 2013 and as of now, they are a married couple.
5. Louis Cole and Raya Encheva
Louis and Raya are number five on our list.
Louis Cole is one of Britain’s top travel vloggers with over 2 million subscribers. Louis started his vlogging channel around in the year 2011 and has over 1700 videos which mostly document his travel around the world.
Louis met Raya when he was visiting New York City and instantly fell in love with her. The couple has been together for over 3 years now and often travels together. They share a common passion for travel and sunny weather. On the persuasion of Louis, Raya has her own Youtube channel where the talks travel and life in general.
Check out Louis’s Channel here and Raya’s Channel here.
6. Alfie Deyes and Zoella Sugg
On the sixth spot we have, Alfie and Zoella (AKA Zalfie) who are two of Britain’s biggest vlog stars.
Both Alfie and Zoella have their own vlogging channels where they put up fun vlogs featuring their daily lives, their friends (including many of Britain’s top youtubers) and the cute little pug Nalla. Combined, their vlogging channels have over 9 millions subscribers.
Check out their daily vlogs on PointlessBlogVlog and MoreZoella.
7. Roman Atwood and Brittany
Seventh on our list is the king of pranks – Roman Atwood and his beautiful wife Brittany.
Roman’s main channel where he uploads mainly prank videos has over 10 million subscribers. He also runs a vlog channel where he uploads daily vlogs which has over 14 million subscribers. His vlog feature his wife and his three adorable kids.
Check out Roman’s vlog channel here.
8. Casey Neistat and Candice Pool
Casey is an old time youtuber who puts up short films, fun documentaries and occasional vlogs on his Channel that has over 10 million subscribers.
Occasional Vlog
His wife, Candice on the other hand is not active on Youtube, but regularly appears in Casey’s videos. They also run a podcast together called – ‘Couples Therapy‘ where they discuss life as a married couple.
9. Bart Kwan and Geo Antoinette
9th on our list is the power couple – Bart Kwan and Geo Antoinette. Both Bart and Geo are into fitness and power lifting. They own a Gym together (called ‘Barbell Brigade’). They also run the hugely popular Youtube channel – ‘JustKidding Films’ that has a host of sister channels like ‘JustKidding Party’, ‘Justkidding News’ and ‘Justkidding gamer’.
Being a married couple, they have their own vlog channel where they put up daily vlogs. Their vlogs regularly feature their cute kid ‘Taika’ and four of their dogs.
10. Rachel and Jun
Number 10 on our list of top 10 vlogging couples is – Rachel and Jun.
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They are a Japanese/American married couple who have close to 2 million subscribers on Youtube. Their Youtube channel mainly features videos about Japan and Japanese culture. Lots of interesting stuff about Japan is revealed in each one of their videos making them extremely fun and informative to watch. One of their most popular videos is about their visit to Fox Village in Japan – where you can directly interact with cute little foxes!
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In addition to their main channel, they also run a vlog channel where they put up monthly vlogs.