Aq Loot Rep
The Eye of C'thun and Head of Ossirian the Unscarred should award 1k or more rep with Cenarian Circle and 500+ rep with Brood of Nozdormu depending on your rep perks/buffs. Killing bosses in Ruins of AQ should award (with guild perks) Cenarion Circle rep +110 x3 (awards this amount three times) and Brood of Nozdormu +55. AQ40 full clear gives you 15k rep with brood of nozdormu (not counting the insignias you get for turn ins) as long as you're below 2999/3000 on neutral. After that you only get rep from turning in insignias which drop from all bosses except for cthun and give 500 each (meaning you get 4500 rep from insignias per full clear, twins give two), and from a random rep item that can drop from any.
The Cenarion Circle in World of Warcraft is a neutral faction, based in Moonglade and Silithus. Players start at 0/3000 Neutral, except for Druids, who start at 2000/3000 neutral and will be Friendly after completing the early class quests at level 16.
Before the Burning Crusade expansion, the usual way of gaining reputation was to run Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj raids regularly to get access to reputation rewards and recipes. Since the expansion, however, Silithus and Ahn'Qiraj get much fewer visitors, since Outland gear is generally better and requires less effort.
However, many people still like the old regions and instances. With Patch 2.3, the reputation gains for the Cenarion Circle have been greatly increased, to make it easier for new players who usually will not spend that much time in the old content.
There are various methods of gaining reputation: killing mobs belonging to the Twilight Hammer in Silithus, doing repeatable quests (both solo and group quests), non-repeatable quests and, of course, AQ10.
Also, with the release of 1.12, you can now gain Cenarion Circle reputation by participating in the World PvP in Silithus. Turning in one Silithyst Dust gives you 20 reputation points for Cenarion Circle.
With patch 3.0.2 and the Achievement system, the [Guardian of Cenarius] title requires players to reach Exalted with both the Cenarion Circle and the Cenarion Expedition.
The release of patch 4.0.x saw the removal of the repeatable quests involving the Twilight Cultist clothing sets and summoning Abyssal mobs. The Cultist sets still drop, but serve no purpose other than vendor trash, as they are not disenchantable. To replace the potential reputation loss, the patch saw the introduction of Cenarion Circle faction quests in Desolace, Western Plaguelands and other zones.
Neutral | Friendly | Honored | Revered | Exalted | Rep | Notes |
Repeatable quests | ||||||
500 | [Encrypted Twilight Text] x10 | |||||
Instances | Trash: 10 Bosses: 300-600 | 90 Reputation per NPC for keeping the Lieutenant General and each of his elites alive during the Rajaxx fight 300 Reputation for Buru the Gorger, Moam, Kurinnaxx, General Rajaxx and Ayamiss the Hunter 600 Reputation for Ossirian the Unscarred | ||||
Trash: 10 Bosses: 150-500 | Only a few of the mobs give Cenarion Circle rep, most only Brood. 500 Reputation points for turning in a [Qiraji Lord's Insignia], obtained by killing any boss in the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj. (These also give 500 Reputation with the Brood of Nozdormu. In order to maximize Brood rep, these insignias should be saved until you are 2999/3000 Neutral with the Brood.) 500 Reputation points for killing C'Thun. | |||||
Mobs | 10 | |||||
30 |
The fastest way to grind reputation at level 90 is to grind through all the Twilight Hammer cultists in Silithus. Each one gives 10 reputation and drop Encrypted Twilight Texts, which are required for the repeatable quest [56] Encrypted Twilight Texts. It is possible to grind all the way through Honored to Exalted in less than four hours doing this.
NOTE: Twilight Prophets drop 7 - 10 Encrypted Twilight Texts.
Reputation Rewards
Friendly | Honored | Revered | Exalted |
Blacksmithing | |||
[Heavy Obsidian Belt] [Ironvine Belt] | [Ironvine Gloves] [Light Obsidian Belt] | [Ironvine Breastplate] [Jagged Obsidian Shield] | [Obsidian Mail Tunic] |
Enchanting | |||
[Enchant Cloak - Greater Fire Resistance] | [Enchant Cloak - Greater Nature Resistance] | ||
Leatherworking | |||
[Bramblewood Belt] [Sandstalker Bracers] [Spitfire Bracers] | [Bramblewood Boots] [Sandstalker Gauntlets] [Spitfire Gauntlets] | [Bramblewood Helm] [Sandstalker Breastplate] [Spitfire Breastplate] | [Dreamscale Breastplate] |
Tailoring | |||
[Cenarion Herb Bag] [Sylvan Shoulders] | [Sylvan Crown] | [Gaea's Embrace] [Satchel of Cenarius] [Sylvan Vest] |
Quests: The Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj
Aq Loot Reports
Several quests are available in outside the AQ10 instance portal for class-specific armor sets. The sets consist of a ring, a cloak, and a weapon. The ring requires Honored reputation with Cenarion Circle, the cloak requires Revered and the weapon requires Exalted. See the Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj Quest Loot page for more info. There are no quests available to any class added after Burning Crusade.
Quests: Field Duty

The Field Duty quest chain gave substantial rewards (including epics at the end) from a series of quests introduced in Patch 1.9. These quests were not available until the Gates of Ahn'Qiraj opened and the 10-hour Opening Event had been completed. These quests were removed with the release of Cataclysm.
Non-Repeatable Quests
Eastern Plaguelands:
- [41] Cenarion Tenacity - 20 reputation
- [41] Amidst Death, Life - 500 reputation
- [71D] Postponing the Inevitable - 500 reputation
Blasted Lands:
- [58] Advice from the Cenarion Circle - 20 reputation
- [50] Moonglade Calls - 20 reputation (Druids only)
Lunar Festival
During the Lunar Festival there are additional quests to gain reputation.
- [85] Lunar Fireworks - 150 reputation
- Elune's Blessing - 500 reputation
Patch changes
Patch 2.2.0 (2007-09-25): From the patch notes: 'The following old-world factions have had their acquisition rate significantly increased: Cenarion Circle, Argent Dawn, Timbermaw Hold.'
Aq Loot Report
Quest Location:Cursed Antique Shop
Quests Begun From:Cursed Bust
Note: This quest can only be completed once.
If you want more information about the artifact you've got in the box, you'll need to talk to the shopkeeper. He is an expert on this sort of thing! Just head to the right and go into the Cursed Artifact Shop.
Items Required:
Aq Loot Republic
- Enter the Cursed Artifact Shop x1
- Enter the door on Screen 2
- 500 Gold
- 500 Exp
- 100 400 Rep : Mysterious Dungeon
Thanks to Apus.
Quest Location:Cursed Antique Shop
Quests Begun From:Cursed Bust
Requirements: Must have completed the 'Dr. Darkwood's Robe' quest.
Note: This quest can only be completed once.
Uh oh - opening that dresser drawer seems to have gotten the attention of Darkwood's magical defense mechanism - it's sent something big after you! Better defeat it so that you can nab the robe and get the heck out of here!
Items Required:

- Darkwood's Robe x1
- Dropped by Arcane Sentinel
- Robe Returned x1
- Click on the ! on Dr. Dryden Darkwood
- 900 Gold
- 900 Exp
- 200 400 Rep : Mysterious Dungeon
Aq Loot Replacement Parts
Thanks to Apus.
Quest Location:Cursed Antique Shop
Quests Begun From:Cursed Bust
Requirements: Must have completed the previous quest.
There's a lot more in that UnDresser, it looks like! Go bash it up a bite and see what falls out!

Items Required:
Aq Rep Loot
- Dressered Down x1
- Dropped by UnDresser
- 600 Gold
- 600 Exp
- 100 Rep : Mysterious Dungeon
- Minion of Skudlyx10
You may also receive, at random:
Thanks to Apus.
Begin this quest in our free web game at!