Quotes Rudyard Kipling
Quotes Rudyard Kipling Rating: 9,9/10 9936 reviews
Rudyard Kipling Quotes #1 “Many of the wolves that looked thee over when thou wast brought to the Council first are old too, and the young wolves believe, as Shere Khan has taught them, that a man-cub has no place with the Pack.”. Rudyard Kipling Quotes Quotable Quote “If you can keep your head when all about you Are losing theirs and blaming it on you, If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you.
Rudyard Kipling
Most amusements only mean trying to win another person's money.: Plain Tales from the Hills
- Gardens
Oh, Adam was a gardener, and God who made him sees
That half a proper gardener's work is done upon his knees. Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind.
- Military
For it's Tommy this, an' Tommy that, an' “Chuck him out, the brute!”
But it's “Savior of 'is country” when the guns begin to shoot. Oh, East is East, and West is West, and never the twain shall meet,
Till Earth and Sky stand presently at God's great Judgment Seat.- Peoples and Places
On the road to Mandalay,
Where the flyin'-fishes play,
An' the dawn comes up like thunder outer China 'crost the Bay! I keep six honest serving-men
(They taught me all I knew);
Their names are What and Why and When
And How and Where And Who.- Self-Control
If you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you;
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
But make allowance for their doubting too; . . .
If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster
And treat those two impostors just the same . . .
Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it. Teach us Delight in simple things,
And Mirth that has no bitter springs.- Smoking
A woman is only a woman, but a good cigar is a smoke.
The female of the species is more deadly than the male.
Quotes By Rudyard Kipling
A woman's guess is much more accurate than a man's certainty.
There are few things sweeter in this world than the guileless, hotheaded, intemperate, open admiration of a junior. Even a woman in her blindest devotion does not fall into the gait of the man she adores, tilt her bonnet to the angle at which he wears his hat, or interlard her speech with his pet oaths.
What is a woman that you forsake her,
And the hearth-fire and the home-acre,
To go with the old grey Widow-maker?
And the hearth-fire and the home-acre,
To go with the old grey Widow-maker?
Take my word for it, the silliest woman can manage a clever man; but it takes a very clever woman to manage a fool.
A fool there was and he made his prayer
(Even as you and I!)
To a rag and a bone and a hank of hair
We called her the woman who did not care),
But the fool he called her his lady fair
(Even as you and I!)
(Even as you and I!)
To a rag and a bone and a hank of hair
We called her the woman who did not care),
But the fool he called her his lady fair
(Even as you and I!)
Inspirational Quotes Rudyard Kipling
Satan himself can't save a woman who wears thirty-shilling corsets under a thirty-guinea costume.
The silliest woman can manage a clever man; but it needs a very clever woman to manage a fool!
But the Woman that God gave him, every fibre of her frame
Proves her launched for one sole issue, armed and engined for the same,
And to serve that single issue, lest the generations fail,
The female of the species must be deadlier than the male.
Proves her launched for one sole issue, armed and engined for the same,
And to serve that single issue, lest the generations fail,
The female of the species must be deadlier than the male.
When the Man waked up he said, 'What is Wild Dog doing here?' And the Woman said, 'His name is not Wild Dog any more, but the First Friend, because he will be our friend for always and always and always.'

I've taken my fun where I've found it;
I've rogued an' I've ranged in my time;
I've 'ad my pickin' o' sweet'earts,
An' four o' the lot was prime.
One was an 'arf-caste widow,
One was a woman at Prome,
One was the wife of a jemadar-sais,
An' one is a girl at 'ome.
I've rogued an' I've ranged in my time;
I've 'ad my pickin' o' sweet'earts,
An' four o' the lot was prime.
One was an 'arf-caste widow,
One was a woman at Prome,
One was the wife of a jemadar-sais,
An' one is a girl at 'ome.
But till we are built like angels, with hammer and chisel and pen,
We will work for ourself and a woman, for ever and ever, Amen.
We will work for ourself and a woman, for ever and ever, Amen.
You sometimes see a woman who would have made a Joan of Arc in another century and climate, threshing herself to pieces over all the mean worry of housekeeping.
And a woman is only a woman, but a good cigar is a smoke.
True. True talk, said Kim solemnly. Fools speak of a cat when a woman is brought to bed, for instance. I have heard them.