Quotes 365 Days Year
365 new chances! I wish you pure joy, laughter and peace of mind in this New Year. Since we’re going into a new year, I’d like to tell you all that it’s only because of you that I’m living my life to its fullest. I wish you all a Happy New Year. Happy New Year, dear friend. Back in time his project called, “365 Days Of Tumblr” became so popular as it opened up new skylines for even a layman. A marvelous post of best inspirational & motivational life quotes are coming your way today to gratify your being and lighten up your soul. 1 / 366 This year is full of possibilities and opportunities, as is the case with any new year. While the revelry and the celebrations continue, motivation and sufficient inspiration are necessary to go through the 365 days. Not all days will be the same and some, as often is the case, might get too trying.
People tell me I'm doing better, 'you're calmer' they say, not knowing how artificial that calm is, being necessary to avoid tearing myself apart. Or them.
I am like the steam engine in the shed, boiler still hot, still full of power, but not to be used, valves held open, the fire going out. Like a spiked gun, if you pulled the trigger, I'd blow up in your hand, so I wear a trigger lock just in case you try.
I am like some woodland creature caught in a poacher's trap, near exhausted from trying to escape, it can only sit quietly, panting a little, and contemplate its options: to gnaw off the trapped limb, wait to die of the shock, cold and hunger or for the poacher's knife. These options, the painful, the slow and the quick, each symbolize something I don't want to tell you about. There are other, remote possibilities, but I am not given to magical thinking. Where there's life, there's, well, you know.

Once or twice a week, I wake from dreams in which I have been crying. This morning, I was the only one at the crowded, noisy pool wearing fins; but I was not swimming, only walking awkwardly around the edge, looking for something. A scene change, as can only happen in dreams, and at the barbecue party I search behind the woodpile and topple over some logs, accidentally scratching someone in the crowd. I apologize, I tell her he's nearby, I could just walk over and see him, but I can't. People are building a pavilion, a woman sings happily to herself as I watch her measure out a wall; a friend of mine shouts out excitedly to another as they raise the roof by hand, light as a feather. I stumble around, between them, I know he's there, but I can't find him.

Then I wake up, I get up, and go to work; I'm doing better, I'm calmer, I must be, they tell me so, as I sleepwalk between them, unwillingly knowing something they don't want to know.
365 Days Of Motivational Quotes
You think I'm wallowing in it? You're damned, fucking right.
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