Occasional Flashes In Peripheral Vision
- Flashing Lights In Peripheral Vision Webmd
- What Causes Eye Flashes
- What Causes Peripheral Vision Distortion
- Flashes In Eyes When To Worry
- Occasional Flashes In Peripheral Vision
- Occasional Flashes Of Light In Peripheral Vision
- Flashing Floaters In Peripheral Vision
Our eyes are one of the most important organs in the body, as they give us the ability of sight. However, there are many medical conditions that can compromise our vision, with some resulting in a decreased ability to focus or the loss of vision itself. Most disorders that affect the eye will likely affect vision in some way, with random floaters or flashes being relatively common. These may present as flashes of light in the corner of the eye, flashes of light in the peripheral vision, or even as flashes of light in both eyes.
Seeing flashing lights in peripheral vision White flashes in peripheral vision Seeing yellow spots in vision Disclaimer: The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Wong, Thanks in advance for this forum. I am a 40 year old male and have for a month or more now had occasional flashes of light out of the peripheral of my left eye. Sometimes the flashes are more frequent than others. Lately, the flashes have been happening about once a week. Flashes also can be caused by an oncoming migraine headache. In these instances, the eye flashes often will look like jagged lines or heat shimmers that last between 10 and 20 minutes. Retinal detachment causes floaters in your vision, flashes of light, blind spots, loss of vision, and more. Transient ischemic attack (mini-stroke) Transient ischemic attacks cause headache, numbness, tingling, or weakness in the face, arm, or leg, and more. Nearsightedness is a common eye problem that causes blurry, distant. New onset of flashes (light often seen as recurrent, brief flashes). Sudden painless visual field loss. Reduction in visual acuity, blurred or distorted vision. A relative afferent pupillary defect if there is extensive detachment (see the separate Examination of the Eye article).
Floaters are a general term used to describe specks, threads, or cobweb-like images that occasionally drift across the line of vision. Flashes are strands of light that flicker across the visual field that is usually enhanced by these floaters. Both are considered harmless occurrences but are signs of potential future problems in the eye, especially when they happen suddenly and often.
About one-quarter of people has some vitreous shrinkage, developing floaters by their 60s. This percentage rises to about two-thirds in 80-year-olds. Floaters can also be appreciated in those who have had previous eye surgery, or eye injuries, and in those who have had long-term diabetes. Floaters are generally well tolerated, but some may complain they interfere with reading or overall vision.
Eye flashes and migraines: What’s the connection?
Migraines and flashes (auras) often present together. These flashes appear in a similar manner to floaters, looking like flickering lights, but often only on one side of your vision and in a jagged pattern. It will most likely obscure the vision on one side and usually go away after 10–20 minutes. It could also be followed by a headache. This type of flash may be caused by a migraine, as it can result from a spasm of blood vessels in the brain.

Symptoms of eye flashes
When the vitreous fluid in your eye rubs or pulls against the retina, it may present itself as a flash of light or lightning streaks. This sensation can also be experienced if you have been stricken in the eye and see a bright light before regaining vision. Older individuals may experience flashes on or off for several weeks or months and it may be a complication of a pre-existing disease like diabetes. It is important to see your doctor if you experience sudden episodes of flashes to get a more precise diagnosis. The following are some symptoms that should prompt you to see a medical professional, such as an optometrist:
Flashing Lights In Peripheral Vision Webmd
- One new, large floater or “showers” of floaters appearing suddenly
- Sudden flashes of light, especially if persistent
- Loss of peripheral vision (side vision) or if it looks as if a shade or curtain is being drawn over your field of vision.
What Causes Eye Flashes
Causes of light flashes in the eye
Photopsia is the symptom of seeing flashes of light and is essentially harmless, but it may be a sign of more serious complications elsewhere in the body that require urgent medical attention. Rapid eye movement might accompany episodes of flashes as well. Photopsia is usually seen in those of advanced age, as it seldom occurs in young and healthy adults. The following are some conditions that may cause flashes to occur:
What Causes Peripheral Vision Distortion

Posterior vitreous detachment (PVD)
The vitreous fluid is a gel-like substance that fills the back portion of the eye. Tiny fibers loosely attach the vitreous to the retina. As we age, the vitreous shrinks and can partially or completely detach from the retina. This shrinkage can pull the retina as it detaches, stimulating the nerves of the eye and producing what is perceived as flashing light. This condition typically occurs in your 60s, with those who are nearsighted having an increased risk.
Retinal tear or detachment
A tear in the retina of the eye that causes vitreous to leak through the tear and lift the retina from the back of the eye. It is known to affect approximately 14 percent of those with PVD. Retinal tears may occur due to eye injury or surgery, but could also be a result of diabetic eye disease. It typically presents as flashes of light in the affected eye, with the possibility of seeing floaters, spots, or shadows.
Flashes In Eyes When To Worry
Harmless flashes
Healthy individuals may also experience flashes that are generally harmless. If you were to rub your eyes, it would elicit a similar appearance of sparkling or flashing lights, colors, and shapes. This happens because as we press on the eyes, it puts pressure on the optic nerves of the retina and the vision perceiving areas of the eye.
Other possible causes
- Head trauma
- Eye or brain tumor
- Optic neuritis, or inflammation of the eye nerves
- Low blood sugar
- Transient ischemic attack (mini-stroke)
- Certain medications (digoxin, quetiapine, and paclitaxel)
Diagnosing light flashes in the eye
A doctor can give you a precise diagnosis of reasons behind your eye flashing. They will likely use special drops to dilate the pupil, getting a better look at the retinal and vitreous fluid. There are various eye-related tests your doctor can perform to test the condition of the eye.
Eye flashes treatment
Treatment will often depend on your specific situation and what may cause eye flashing. Flashes are not considered a life-threatening condition, but your doctor will make sure there is no direct damage to the eye by performing an eye examination. Over time, the flashes will resolve on its own, with treatment most likely addressing the underlying condition that resulted in the eye flashes to begin with.

There is no specific treatment for separation of the vitreous fluid from the retina, but laser or freezing therapy and even surgery may be required for retinal tears.
Precaution tips for light flashes in the eye
It’s generally good practice to see your doctor for any serious medical concerns, and that includes issues with your vision as well. If you experience a sudden onset of flashing, it is recommended to go see your doctor right away, as it may be a sign of another serious problem. Some examples of warning signs or symptoms to prompt medical attention include:

- Blurred or reduced vision
- Eye pain
- Weakness
- Mental confusion
- New or worsening headache
- Nausea or vomiting
Related: Eye pressure and risk of glaucoma
If you are experiencing eye flashes—streaks or lightening-like flashes of light in your field of vision—it may be a sign of a serious medical eye condition. Only your eye doctor can diagnose the cause of your flashes. In this article we will discuss the causes of eye flashes and what can be done about such visual disturbances.
What Exactly Are Eye Flashes?
The word flashes can be defined in many ways, and our visual experiences are subjective by nature, but for the purposes of this article we are talking about streaks or flickers of light appearing usually at the edge of your field of vision. In some cases it may be hard to tell exactly where in your visual field these eye flashes are occurring, or even in which eye. They may be fleeting, or they may last as long as ten to twenty minutes.
What Is Causing My Eye Flashes?
Eye flashes can be caused by a variety of conditions, but the most common causes of eye flashes are:
- Posterior Vitreal Detachment and Vitreal Traction (The vitreous gel pulling on the retina)
- Retinal detachment
- Retinal hole
- Retinal tear
- A neurological disorder or a medical condition affecting the brain
- Ocular migraine
Posterior Vitreal Detachment
The vitreous is the gel-like substance that fills the eye. As we get older, this substance begins to break down and shrink, which may make it lose some of its gel-like consistency. This shrinkage can cause it to tug at the retina, the layer of tissue at the back of the eye that senses light. This tugging produces the appearance in our vision of flashes of light. These eye flashes can be annoying, but they are generally harmless, and in most cases the cause is nothing more than the normal aging process.
Retinal Detachments, Tears, and Holes
In some cases, this tugging on the retina by the vitreous can create a hole in the retina, or even cause a retinal detachment. This is a condition in which the retina peels away from the back of the eye, and eye flashes are among its symptoms. A Retinal detachment is a serious, vision-threatening medical emergency, and if you suspect that this may have happened to you, you should see an eye doctor as soon as possible. Approximately one in ten people who suddenly begin to experience eye flashes are eventually diagnosed with a retinal tear. Other symptoms of a retinal detachment include floaters and decreased vision.
Neurological Disorders
In rare cases, eye flashes can also be caused by problems with the optic nerve or the visual cortex, which is the part of the brain that is responsible for processing visual information. If your eye doctor is unable to determine the cause of your eye flashes, he or she may refer you to a neurologist in order to investigate the possibility that you are suffering from a neurological condition or a problem with your visual cortex.
Ocular Migraines
Eye flashes are sometimes a symptom of an ocular migraine (also known as a retinal migraine), or a scintillating scotoma. People who suffer from one of these conditions may sometimes see shimmering areas of blindness in their field of vision, and these may sometimes be accompanied by flashes of light. Ocular migraines can occur with or without migraine pain.
Occasional Flashes In Peripheral Vision
How Does My Doctor Diagnose My Eye Flashes?
Occasional Flashes Of Light In Peripheral Vision
If you are experiencing eye flashes, your eye doctor will want to examine your eyes carefully. He or she will use special eye drops to dilate your pupils in order to examine your retina and vitreous. The doctor may also perform a slit-lamp examination. Other tests that may be conducted include eye pressure tests and ultrasound examination.
What Are My Treatment Options for Eye Flashes?
Flashing Floaters In Peripheral Vision
Treatment for eye flashes will depend on the cause of the problem. It’s best to talk to your doctor to see what your options are. In some cases, you will need to treat the underlying problem to find relief.