Ky Shotgun Laws
— Starting July 15, most new laws approved during the Kentucky General Assembly's regular sessions take effect. Even though the COVID-19 pandemic took a week from this year's. Kentucky law also prohibits a person from being armed with a firearm loaded with armor-piercing ammunition or flanged ammunition during the commission of a felony, or in flight immediately thereafter. Flanged ammunition is defined as ammunition with a soft lead core and sharp flanges that are designed to expand upon impact. Kentucky law does not. If you intend to carry or keep a gun for self-defense purpose, you should follow your state's gun laws, including the statutes on carrying concealed weapons. Laws Governing Gun Possession. All states have laws prohibiting certain people, such as convicted felons and domestic violence offenders, from having guns. “No Firearm” signs in Kentucky do not have the force of law unless they are posted on property that is specifically mentioned in state law as being off limits to those with a permit/license to carry. Kentucky statutes are silent on antique and replica firearms. They are treated as ordinary firearms for possession and carrying purposes.
ATF is pleased to provide you with the 34th Edition of State Laws and Published Ordinances - Firearms (ATF P 5300.5). These publications will help you comply with federal and state firearms laws and, specifically, with the Gun Control Act of 1968.
This material is not intended to provide legal advice and should be used only for informational purposes. It is possible that a state may have passed a more recent law(s) or issued interpretations or regulations that have yet to be published and are not included in this publication. If you have any questions regarding state, county or local laws, please contact your state's Attorney General.
Ky Gun Laws For Felons

- California *
- California Municipal *
- Florida *
- Massachusetts *
- North Carolina *
- Ohio *
- Puerto Rico *
- Puerto Rico (Spanish version) *
- Rhode Island *
- South Carolina *
- Texas *
- U.S. Virgin Islands *
- Vermont *
- Virginia *
* The files marked with asterisks are from the 33rd edition (2019). We are still in the process of updating them to the 34th edition (2020), so please check back soon.
December 8, 2020 Kentucky Law
Ky Handgun Laws

Buying A Gun In Kentucky
Kentucky gun laws allow most individuals to own and possess handguns, shotguns, and rifles. Kentucky residents are not required to obtain a permit to purchase a handgun. They can also carry concealed guns or openly carry guns without a permit.
That does not mean that there are no restrictions on guns. Kentucky gun laws impose certain restrictions on purchasing, owning, and possessing guns. One restriction of gun ownership relates to individuals convicted of a felony.
Can a Convicted Felon Legally Own a Gun in Kentucky?
Felons do not have the same legal gun rights as the average person. It is illegal for a person convicted of a felony to own or possess a firearm in most situations.

It does not matter whether the person was convicted of the felony in another state. A felony conviction in any state prohibits you from owning or possessing a firearm in Kentucky.
According to Kentucky Revised Statutes §527.040, you can be charged with the crime of Possession of a Firearm by a Convicted Felon if you possess, transport, or manufacture a firearm with a felony conviction from any state or federal court. If you are charged with this crime, you face a Class D felony charge. If a felon possesses a handgun, the charge is a Class C felony.
Punishment for possessing a firearm as a felony can include a substantial fine and prison term. Depending on the class of felony, you could be charged with a fine of up to $10,000 and sentenced to one to ten years in prison.
It is important to note that the law applies to youthful offenders. If you were convicted of a felony when you were a minor, the felony follows you throughout your life and impacts your gun rights.
When Can a Felon Own a Firearm in Kentucky?
There are some cases in which a convicted felon may legally own or possess a firearm. The three exceptions are very specific and can be difficult to obtain, depending on the felony charge and the person’s prior criminal history.
The three exceptions to the law that prohibits felons from owning or possessing a firearm:
- The person received a full pardon by the President of the United States or the Governor of Kentucky
- The felony conviction was expunged or vacated according to Kentucky Revised Statutes §431.073
- The person received relief from the United States Secretary of Treasury according to the Federal Bun Control Act of 1968
It is important to note that felons are prohibited from owning a gun under federal law. A federal felony conviction also impacts your gun rights in Kentucky. If a felon possesses a gun while committing other crimes or serious drug crimes, the person could face federal weapons charges.
Ky Shotgun Plug Laws
Criminal Charges for Selling or Transferring a Gun to a Felon
In addition to arresting and charging the felon with a crime, law enforcement officers may also arrest the person who furnished the gun to the felon. According to Kentucky Revised Statute §237.070, it is a crime to knowingly transfer or sell a firearm to a felon. The firearm is subject to seizure and forfeiture.
Selling or transferring a firearm to a felon is a Class A misdemeanor. If convicted, the person could serve up to 90 days in jail and be fined up to $500.
Kentucky Gun Purchase Law

Fighting Weapons Charges in Kentucky
If you are a convicted felon, it is best to stay away from firearms. The penalty for violating the law can be severe. If you have a gun in your possession while committing another crime, the penalties can be even more severe.
Ky Concealed Carry Laws
However, if you are charged with illegal possession of a gun, there could be one or more legal defenses to the charges. You could be innocent, or the police officers could have violated your civil rights with an illegal search and seizure. The gun might belong to someone else in the home or vehicle.
A criminal defense lawyer in Kentucky investigates the circumstances of your arrest to determine the best legal strategy to use in your defense. Even if you are guilty of the charges, working with a lawyer could help you obtain a plea agreement that avoids the most severe penalties for the charges. Your lawyer can argue that there were mitigating factors that a judge should consider before sentencing.
As with any criminal charges, it is always best to avoid talking to the police without a lawyer present. You have the legal right to remain silent and consult with an attorney. Exercising both of your legal rights is the best way to fight a weapons charge in Kentucky.