Apa Los Angeles

Contact LA – Apa Aesthetic Please complete the short form below to schedule an appointment or request more information about Facial Aesthetic Design and Smile Makeover services. We are happy to set up a consultation or answer any questions you have. APA (also known as Agency for the Performing Arts) is one of the largest diversified talent agencies in Los Angeles with headquarters in Los Angeles, New York, Nashville, Atlanta, Toronto and London.

The Los Angeles Section of APA California (APA LA) is comprised of over 1,200 APA members in Los Angeles County. APA LA sponsors a number of professional, educational, and social events during the year, including an annual planning awards competition. The APA LA executive board has made a commitment to provide no or low-cost events to our members, partner with allied organizations, support the superb urban planning academic programs in Los Angeles County, and to share information and resources that will make our communities stronger and healthier.
For more information, please visit apalosangeles.org.

Office hours:
Monday-Friday 9am-5pm
(Unless there is an event, in which case we will answer during the event hours)
Phone: 323. 933.1631
email: director@apa-la.com
For membership questions contact:
Jeff Kausch, Membership Representative
APA National Membership Office
2055 Bryant Street
San Francisco CA 94110
For Sponsorship opportunities
email: director@apa-la.com
For speaking opportunites
Apa Los Angeles Ca
email director@apa-la.com the following information 8 WEEKS in advanced:
- Contact information
- Subject/ Content / Proposal
- Duration of program
Apa Los Angeles Jobs
*All proposals must be reviewed by the APA LA Board in the order they are received.